I had a debate tonight with my roommate about gay marriage. She was excited because she met a gay guy who was also a republican (as is she). She said he was gay & didn't want gay marriage to be legal. Personally, that drives me crazy! There are a lot of people out there working hard for gay equality, and to have gay people fighting against us is extremely frustrating. I can understand that not all gays want to be activists, not all gays want to get married, but I would prefer if they not frustrate the efforts of others. My roommate said she is in favor of civil unions, but that marriage is a religious institution and making gay marriage legal puts pressure on churches to perform gay marriage. That is ridiculous. Churches haven't been pressured to perform marriages for anyone else. Plenty of churches still refuse to marry atheists, divorcees, non-virgins (or at least people with kids out of wedlock), even inter-faith or inter-racial couples. Besides the fact the people get married in synagogues, temples, courthouses, and Vegas drive-thru chapels all the time....without any "church" involved whatsoever.
I could go on about gay marriage for hours, but there was one thing she said that really bothered me. I commented about the 2004 election, and how republicans banked on the hatred & intolerance in this country to get conservatives to the polls, and they won. I said how heartbreaking that was to so many people, including myself. She seemed disgusted at the suggestion and said "I don't think anyone was heartbroken! It's just politics!" I said that I was heartbroken, so theory disproven, but MANY other people were too. People all across the country watched as their neighbors flocked to the polls to vote against their families and their relationships. That is heartbreaking. This country, so divided, was pretty united in saying that gay people were less than there equals, that their relationships didn't deserve recognition, that they were 2nd class citizens. I think there is a HUGE problem in this country. People think that politics aren't personal. I don't see what can be more personal. Conservatives say "gay people" like they are this amorphous group with purple triangles on their foreheads. Wrong. They are people, with names, and faces, and homes, and jobs. These people should not be dismissed. Instead of saying "gays should not get married" put a name in there, of someone you know, say "Jennifer should not get married." Then ask yourself "why?" You've known Jen for a long time. You've spoken to her at the grocery store, or asked her for a cup of sugar, or shared a cup of coffee. She's not contagious, she didn't make you gay. She's always had a girlfriend, and it's never effected your relationship. They don't go at it on the lawn. They are a normal couple with normal routines and adequate self control. So what is the reason to deprive her of the rights you have? Well, if you think of any reasons, go tell her. If you don't have to balls to do that, to go tell her to her face why she doesn't deserve equality, then shut the hell up and get out of her way.
My roommate changed her mind about people being heartbroken over the amendments passed on ballots across the country last year. But she did end her debate by saying "I think it will just take time. And a lot more gay people need to get active." I said, "No, a lot more hetero people need to get active." We all need to remember that this is no different than the civil rights movement. Plenty of whites thought that black people were barbaric, disgusting, or unintelligent back then (some still do today but luckily they are rarely respected). Today, people think that gays are perverts who will destroy children and the fabric of the family. There is no difference. The groups are different but the hate and intolerance are the same. Someday people will look at these days the same way we look at the days of segregation and Jim Crow laws. When that day comes, hetero or not, which side do you want to be on?? Stand up.
Monday, July 18, 2005
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Personally I'm tired of hearing about it. I don't care where you stick your prick or what you lick. No one says to me "Adam the Heterosexual" so therefore we shouldn't be saying "Jennifer the Homosexual". I've never understood that part. We're all human and how you get your orgasm has no bearing on what kind of worker, parent, friend, or whatever that you are.
My point is not to say "Jennifer the homosexual" it is to replace the generics with actual names. To put a face on the group, rather than just hating a nameless, faceless, group of people. It's a way to make people own up to their own hatred and be accountable for it.
I saw something today that just pissed me off. A church performing a gay marriage. Now I know that your not a church patron, but for me it was seeing someone change believes for mainstream society. If your going to make a rule, even if I'm against it, you damn well better stick to it or review it seriously before you go changing it. That just bothered me for a moment.
You know I'm commenting more on yours than I'm writing on my own, I should just put up a link to your comments and that would count as my own.
Was it a Catholic church? Ya know, the reason my mom stopped being Catholic is because they changed the rule about eating meat on Fridays. All her life they told her God would punish her if she ate meat on a Friday, and then, out of nowhere, it changes. Did God change his mind? Was God like "Hey! That was a stupid rule I made! Nevermind!" Of course not, some old white dudes in the Vatican got sick of fish. I don't think religions should never change the rules. We learn & grow as a society. For most of history people were property: women, kids, slaves....but we changed that. Religion should evolve too. What needs to change is that the religious powers-that-be need to admit that the rules they do have are human rules, not God rules. Even if God does exist, nobody knows what he would want, people just guess. So religions should just admit that...."we used to think it was a sin to be gay, but now we have sort of looked at that whole "God loves everybody thing" and the whole autonomy thing, and we think that there are worse things than shagging somone with similar private parts, and we think God would agree." Poof! Problem solved!
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