Friday, January 06, 2006


Most people have certain themes that repeat themselves through their dreams. For example, my mom has "phone dreams" where she needs to call for help, or call me or my sister, and she can't find a phone that works. For me the theme is cars, more specifically, me driving my car off of bridges either into air or water. I always end up okay, and so does my car, but the dreams are still a bit scary and totally bizarre. Usually I am driving on the Skyway in Buffalo of in the HOV lane on I-95 in Miami. I am also always in my Buick, which I had from like 1997-2000, but will always be the car that most defines me.

Last night I was on an unfamiliar road, but my feeling was that I had been in Raleigh visiting Missy & BM and I was trying to find my way home at night. I got lost and ended up taking this really dark, long exit ramp. I wasn't alone either. Another girl was with me, whom I don't recognize but knew well in the dream. She was next to me& talking to me, as if we were in the same car, but we weren't. The road narrowed, so there wasn't room for both of our cars, and the both started falling over the sides of the ramp. I feel my stomach drop & the next thing I know, the girl & I are dangling about 50 feet above a grassy area, hanging from our seatbelts. I twist my way lose and jump down, so does she. Then, we look up at our cars, teetering off the edge WAY up in the air. I push her out of the way just before my car falls. Like a cat, it lands on all fours. After thinking for a minute we hop in the car, trying to move it before her car falls. After 3 cranks it starts up and we speed backwards. As I drive off I hear sirens coming our way, but for some reason I want to be gone before they get to the scene. I think for a minute "What about her luggage & her car?" But generally dismiss the idea that either will survive the fall (even tho mine did!). We drive off into the night past a gas station and back onto the highway.

Crazy, huh? My dreams are always so vivid, I could write about them like this everyday (don't worry, I won't do that to you). I just thought this one made a particularly good story because of my super-hero-like responses to the dire situation!! I can't find my Dream Dictionary at the moment, but when I locate it I will have to look all this stuff up & get back to you about my psychosis!!

1 comment:

CJ said...

LOL Very good cause & effect connection!!