Sunday, February 19, 2006

My Favorite Things

So now that I am back to getting my period, after an 8 year hiatus, I am also back to having cravings! This is not so good in partnership with my attempt to get rid of my extra chin! BUT, never fear!! I have found a solution!

These are the BEST brownies ever!! I mean, I think they are honestly better than any other mix out there, and they are fat free! I first made them about a year ago, but had totally forgot about them until an almost terminal chocolate craving last week! So, I went out & bought them again. And, in addition to being fat free, I swear you lose a pound just by making them because the batter gets SO thick it is like impossible to stir! But that's okay, it is totally worth it. So, you should all go out & buy this mix & try it, so that the company does well and keeps making the mix & I can live off it for the rest of my life!

I warn you that the 1st time you make them, you will start stirring (all you do is add fat free yogurt to the mix) and you will think you've done something wrong. It just doesn't appear to be mixing at all...but after a few minutes it all comes together! And when you think your arm is about to fall off - you are done! Just try not to eat all the batter before you bake it! LOL

Yeah, so that's my plug for today. Goodnight!

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