Saturday, March 18, 2006


I was just asked to join a group on myspace created for all the people who graduated from my high school in 1998. So I did, and then I browsed through it a little bit. Totally weird. First of all, there are some people I totally don't remember, which I didn't expect because I have a damn good memory and I thought I knew most people. I guess I really did have more friends in the class of 1997 than I thought!!

Also, the guy who started the group is like the LAST person I would ever have expected to do something like that. I mean, I certainly never thought of him as Mr School Spirit. More like Mr Resident Psychopath!! I totally hate this guy. He and his friends tried to kill more than one of my friends on more than one occasion. And when I say "kill" I am NOT exaggerating. Seeing his picture, his eyes looking at me from the screen, really just sent a chill down my spine. Now, I've heard that he is a bit reformed, but that is so hard for me to believe. I mean, a person that violent? Can they really change that much? And if so, like what does he think of how he was back then? Does he realize that he literally almost killed people? Does it phase him at all? I don't know. But knowing that he will be at the reunion makes me quite sure that I will be bringing either Black Mike or Sever with me!! I need my big strong boys to protect me....or at least carry me out of there if I decide to go after someone! Haha.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't even REMEMBER him in high school. I will probably end up related to him, too. Bizarre. My sister tells me he has mellowed since moving to Vegas, but still is quite the mysogynist.

There are a few people on that site that I don't remember, either. I *think* that one girl is Sarah Graham, but I'm not sure. And I found Amy Suhr! She was so nice. No one else from yearbook, though, and not many from drama club. Many of those people are ones I wasn't friends with at all.

Yes, bring Sever to the reunion! That sounds fun. :)