Thursday, June 14, 2007

Pick Me! Pick Me!

So, I put out 5 job applications today. The cities are: Tampa, Macon, Atlanta, Baltimore & Raleigh.

Tampa is my top choice because of the location and the judge - he is a Clinton appointee, so probably of a similar political persuasion. And it would be nice to spend one more year in Florida. My eyes tear up at the thought of leaving.

Raleigh is my 2nd choice. The judge is a moderate republican, so eh. BUT I would be close to Tiffany, Missy, Amy and K! So that would be a bonus.

Next are Atlanta & Macon because I would be close to friends then too, and still in the south.

And then there is Baltimore. The judge there seems really cool, and I would be VERY close to my sister. So, even though it is in 5th place it is still not a bad deal at all. Adam lives there now, but probably won't by the time I'd move there. BUT...maybe I can make myself comfortable at his place if I go up for an interview!!! *Wink, wink, nudge, nudge*

So, anyway...the process has begun. I have 7 more apps to be mailed off. Also, there are 2 more judges who I need to call and see if they will be hiring. And that will be it. If I don't get hired by a judge by October, I will start applying to law firms in Charlotte, and if I don't hear anything from that by January, I will start looking at firms in Florida. So, that is the game plan! Wish me luck and keep your fingers crossed!!!!


Anonymous said...

Woohoo! Good luck, as if you need it.

Mr. Parson said...

No wink or nudge needed. I have no life so just show up and I'll be here!