Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Who's Your Daddy?

Jenna Bush was interviewed on CBS this morning. Apparently, she wrote a book about a 17 year-old girl in central america with HIV (or maybe AIDS...not sure of her status). Anyway, the following exchange took place:

Harry: In the book you talk a lot about condom use and safe sex practices. Is that contrary to how you were brought up? Or to what the republican party....?

Jenna: No! Not at all! Well, I don't know what the republican party thinks, but I think all parents agree that children should be educated, and we all want kids to be safe.

WTF?????? No Jenna! NOT all parents agree with that! In fact, your father and his party have made laws that vehemently oppose educating kids!!! Have you not heard of the "abstinence only curriculum"??? Are you so out of touch with your own country that you don't even know that kids are NOT being taught safe sex practices in school anymore? Do you not pay attention to what your own father is doing????

I am absolutely appalled by this. Here she is writing a book on HIV/AIDS, and she never even bothers to find out what is going on in this country on that topic? I really hope that someone informs her, seriously, about the abstinence only philosophy espoused by her father and his party. Personally, I think it is disgusting that kids are getting "sex ed" that doesn't teach them about condom use. It seems that she would be disgusted too....if only she was paying attention.

And just for fun....

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