Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Measuring Up

I have been SOOOO busy this week!! Last week on thursday afternoon I had 4 "emergencies" come up at work. That meant I had to work all weekend. Which is totally fine, because I am glad to be busy, but (of course) I was sick!! Literally at 4pm on Friday my throat started KILLING me. Saturday I woke up at 3am cuz it hurt so much. So I started working at 5 and went to a walk-in clinic at 10am, which was a really great idea. I got some killer antibiotics and hydrocodone cough syrup. Still, I was pretty sick - and totally stoned on cough syrup. Apparently, though, I do my best work on cough syrup!!

I cranked out a response to a complaint; a stipulation; a motion to quash 14 subpoenas; a response to a motion to discharge 4 lis pendens; a motion to strike; an objection to evidence; a response to a motion for summary judgment; and a reply in support of a motion to dismiss all in 4 days (because I slept all day sunday). And I got great feedack on all of it!! So I am pretty proud of myself, and relieved that I can breathe a little now (literally and figuratively). But all this good feedback is coming at the PERFECT time, because....

This week I had to fill out my first set of "associate review forms." The first set of forms require us to go through a list of "benchmarks" to indicate what experiences we've had, and what we have accomplished so far. As a 2nd year associate I am a level 1, but I'v completed about half the things on the level 2 list, which is great! Along with this is a "career plan" form, on which I list my goals for the next year and make an "action plan" to reach them. It's pretty corny. Like, one goal might be "get to know more people in my office" so my action plan could be "go to lunch with 2 people I've never gone to lunch with." Kinda silly.

I also fill out a form for my mid-year associate review where I list the partners I've done more than 30 hours of work for and then they get emails requiring them to evaluate me. I really hope to get good reviews from all of them!! I think it will take about a month to find out - so keep your fingers crossed for me!!!!

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