Wednesday, May 04, 2005

In The Spotlight

Okay, so I've had a hard time deciding what to write about, so I have settled on a few detached comments.

1. A piece of advice: Even if you are caught in the middle of a huge embarrassing public scandal and you have a bad haircut and you haven't showered in 4 days, even then, when walking through an airport, do NOT wear a brightly colored, striped towel draped over your head!!! You will always look like more of a wack-job with the towel than without! That is the picture they will blow up and put behind you when you are on Oprah some day! (Besides, if we have learned anything in the past 3 years it's that it is easier to get thru an airport in this country WITHOUT a towel on your head. Yeah, that was probably offensive, but trust me when I say I intend to offend the federal government (old white men with lots of money and very little hair), not the various groups of brown people that they have chosen to hate this decade.)

2. Don't you find it a bit ironic that the one American Idol contestant Paula Abdul is accused of sleeping with is also the one that was kicked off the show and exposed for being a liar who assaults his little sister and passes bad checks? Hmm, interesting. But she did say he had "star quality" so she MUST have been sleeping with him, it's not like she says that to EVERY SINGLE CONTESTANT EVER ON THE SHOW!!!!! No, not at all. What I want to know is when will Corey Clarke be testifying in the Michael Jackson trial? I'd like to watch the re-enactment on E!

3. Have you heard of a new movie coming out called "Crash"? Am I the only one who remembers that there was another movie by that name about people who had sex at the sites of car accidents because the carnage turned them on? I believe that was a huge scandal in the mid 90s. Are there so few words in the English language that they couldn't come up with a less tainted title? Or maybe they are hoping that the new generation of teens who missed out on the 1st one will think this is a remake and they will sell more tickets.

4. You can now buy "After School Specials" on DVD at Walmart. How awesome is that?

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