Saturday, June 11, 2005

New Neighbors

So I know it's been a while, but if anyone out there is still reading this, I am still alive! Work has been taking up a lot of time...Mostly because of the "optional" social events. I have decided to go to fewer of those, though, because it is starting to wear me out!

Well, let's see, what has been going on in the world? Well, we are waiting for the Michael Jackson verdict. This is really just completely unpredictable, so I am quite curious to see the result. It's funny how everyone always asks lawyers what the verdict will be. On TV and in real life, lawyers are the "experts" people consult to predict verdicts. Apparently, people assume that lawyers are all psychic! I mean, it's 12 people in a room...Not 12 lawyers, 12 average people. There simply is no way to know, regardless of the law, what these 12 people will believe or think is important, or how they will understand the jury instructions, or even whether they care what the instructions are!

I was told yesterday that if he is sent to prison, he will go to the same prison, and likely the same celebrity wing, as Sirhan Sirhan and Charlie Manson. Poor Charlie! I best Jacko will scare the crap out of him! For those of you who are up on your violent crime trivia, you may remember that Charlie's mission was to join the black (winning) side of the inevitable race war...That is why he targeted rich white people. But when Charlie went away, black people sure didn't look like Jackson!! In fact, no people looked like that. I hope he isn't confused by this extreme misrepresentation of the human race! (Maybe we should send him some recent pictures of Denzel Washignton or Oprah Winfrey, so he is not misled!) Of course, everyone else thinks Charlie will scare Jackson...but I disagree. Charlie still has his real face and is only like 4 foot 10! Jackson might confuse him for a 12 year old boy. Ick! Yep, I'm much more worried about Charlie, and I think you should be too.

There was some new story about the fact that the Jackson trial has been much less popular than people thought it would be. The media predicted it would be more popular than the OJ trial, and apparently its not even close. It's been hypothesized that the reason for that is that molestation of children is gross to people & they don't want to talk about it because it makes them uncomfortable. Apparently murder makes better dinner conversation. I think there are different reasons, like that people are just complacent about this. We know he's weird & crazy, we've known it for like 20 years now, and in our minds, most of us have convicted him long ago so the trial is unimportant. Plus, this trial is not on TV (unless you count the E! Reenactments, which I am not). But when it comes to the verdict, I think the public will all dutifully turn the attention to that California courtroom, especially for sentencing. And then we will go back about our business. And whether he goes back to Neverland or off to prison, few people will change their opinion of him. Those that think he's just a nice guy will continue to, and those of us that think he's a child molester will continue to. All I hope is that more parents will wise up and keep there kids away from him. In the end, molester or not, he is nobody you should be leaving your children alone with.

Well, Ill try to be better about writing...there are a lot of interesting news stories to write about lately! Leave me a comment so I know you all are still out there too!


Mr. Parson said...

I remember that I was sitting next to you freshman year in the B Wing lecture hall on the second floor of Will'ville North High School when the verdict was read for the O.J. trial. "The Germans wore gray, you wore blue"

CJ said...

I remember that we agreed that if he was found guilty, we were switching races! Of course, I've always been a bit darker on the inside!!! LOL Funny how we got out of class for the OJ verdict, but they stayed in class for 9/11!! At least we learned to keep our priorities straight.

Mr. Parson said...

Well if you remember my "style" freshmen year I was half way switched, in my mind. What a dork I was...

Anonymous said...

Hmmmm I don't think we had "Channel One" at North!! I don't remember getting out of class for the OJ verdict!! But I don't remember much! lol The best part of my senior year in Ohio was "Channel One" & morning announcements on TV!!