Friday, June 17, 2005

Totally Useless...

1st of all: Clearly the Michael Jackson jury was as concerned about Charlie Manson as I was. That is the only explanation.

2nd: I have nothing to do at work except wait for 4 attorneys to have time to call me. Hence the title of this post.

3rd: In other news.....Okay, so I am not going to go on a huge rant about this, but I seriously think Terry Schiavo's parents are mentally ill & they have dragged a significant portion of the population with them. How else do you explain the absolute refusal to accept any medical opinion whatsoever and the ridiculous way in which dis-believing doctors has become a political party statement? I mean come on people. My roommate said to me the other day that the autopsy showed she never had an eating disorder. I told her no, it did not say that. She claims that's what they said on the news....well they lied! There is a huge difference between saying that an autopsy didn't reveal signs of a 15 year-old eating disorder and saying that the eating disorder never existed. But, the Schindlers are using that very vague & weak medical statement as ammunition in saying that Terry's husband tried to kill her. Right. Because who doesn't try to kill their wife by depriving her of potassium? Surely that is the number one way to kill your spouse: take all her bananas away and wait................are you still waiting? I thought so. Doesn't work so good does it?? For goodness sake people!

But really, I am more & more impressed with the news media everyday. Their accuracy is stunning. The other day a 4 year old died after riding the Mission to Space ride at Disney World. That afternoon I read an article which said that last year an 80 year-old women who had heart problems & suffered several mini-strokes "passed away after riding Pirates of the Caribbean." Well, gee, that's helpful. Was that a month after riding it? A year? I mean everyone who rides it will inevitably die "after riding Pirates of the Caribbean." Unless of course they are now putting corpses in the little boat things to add to the creepy effect (and the smell)!!!!

Yeah, so little things annoy me. Like when they say "after robbing the bank the suspect shot the teller." No. The perpetrator shot the teller. We don't know what the suspect did (if there even is a suspect) that is why we only SUSPECT him of the crime! But we DO know that someone robbed the bank & shot the teller & that person, though possibly unidentifiable at this point is the perpetrator, NOT the suspect. And if we have a suspect & later find out that he DID shoot the teller, he is no longer a suspect he is a perpetrator. It's not that hard to comprehend, really.

Okay, so that is all I feel like writing now. Back to watching my arm hair grow....


CJ said...

Yeah! Thats my point!

Mr. Parson said...

I'm so mad that the Los Angeles Police targeted a black man and the jury failed to convict a white man. Of course there where no good detectives working on the Jackson case, because they where all advising the three C.S.I.'s and four Law&Order's. It is, after all, Hollywood.

Mr. Parson said...

And another thing, I've never been to Disney World. Does this mean I'll live forever? There will be no death for me after riding Pirates of the Caribbean!

Mr. Parson said...

OK that last one was funnier in my head than it was on the screen.

CJ said...

Poor Monkey, I think ou need to watch more TV!! How are those Homicide DVDs coming along??

Anonymous said...

*yawn* OK, so I understand your predicament about waiting for an attorney to decide to actually give you something to do, that I'm reading your blog!
