Monday, April 24, 2006

Last Day

Well, I thought that tomorrow would be my last day of school, but my class was cancelled, so today was my last day of law school classes EVER!!! How crazy is that? My 1st exam is a week from tomorrow...and my last exam is May 10th.

I can't believe it's so close to over. So much has happened in the last 3 years. I've learned so much, had so many amazing experiences, and made some fantastic friends. I feel like I should have some big, profound, life-lesson to attribute to the last three years. I guess if I had to pick one it would be: be yourself. People always say that but I always think they are talking about normal people. Like "be yourself if you are a socially acceptable person." Which I am not. I am loud and rude and immature and I have a vocabulary the size of an ant. So, when people used to tell me to be myself I would just laugh and think "that's cuzz u dont know me!"

But, the truth is, it works! Being myself is how I got all 3 of my jobs in law school. It's how I met my closest friends. It's how I won all the awards I did. It really works. Really. Even when you're white trash.

So, in a few weeks, I will embark on a whole new adventure. Hard to believe, huh? In just a few weeks this won't even be my home anymore. All my stuff will be moved to a new apartment in a new town and I will be shopping at a new walmart. My close friends will be far away and I will now have about 2 trillion people to maintain long distance friendships with...rather than just 1 trillion. Hopefully I will make new friends in my new town. Maybe they will like to watch movies and go to lunch with me. Maybe we will order pizzas and sit on the floor and giggle. Maybe they will rescue me when I have car trouble and make me feel better when I have PMS. Or maybe not. Who knows? But they probably won't have cute southern accents or farm licenses, or drink sweet tea, or say "fixin' to." And they probably won't let me call them "Monkey."

So, yeah, I guess I'm a little sad and a little scared. I mean, this has been a crazy emotional week. First K, visiting Missy, then my whole bonding with BM experience, then the new apartment, and then K again, and now the last day of classes....I am exhausted. But, I am also proud and excited and I can't wait to see what comes next.

So, here's to what's next...


Anonymous said...

you forgot to mention you almost got struck by lightning!!! like for real!

CJ said...

Right!!! I guess I was so traumatized that I repressed that memory!! LOL

Anonymous said...

i'm still traumatized... everytime it rains i hide under the red couch!!!