Friday, April 14, 2006

They call it dope for a reason....

I don't consider myself a naive person. I know that I'm not the smartest person in the world... and there are a lot of things that confound me, but as far as street smarts, I consider myself a full-fledged member of reality. Clearly, however, there are many things right under my nose that I am totally missing!

Today I found out about a drug epidemic going on at my law school. Apparently, a large number of 2Ls, and quite a few 3Ls, have been regularly taking a drug used to treat ADHD to help them study (no, it's not Ritalin). It is a drug I have never heard of before, and a problem I never imagined was going on all around me. I know I have classmates that drink a LOT, and I know some of them smoke weed, but this just never crossed my mind.

Apparently the students using this drug say that it helps them when they are outlining & studying to stay awake & focus. But, of course, the drug is not good for you if you aren't supposed to be taking it. It can mess up your brain & your heart. And I guess what is amazing to me is that any of my classmates think law school grades are worth damaging their bodies for, ya know? I guess 1st year I can understand it. The pressure is really high and some people get really scared, but still? As 2Ls and 3Ls? And really, at what point in even your 1st year of studying do you decide that taking drugs might help? I realize this is a "legal" drug, but it's still not something they are getting from a Doctor....and if they are it's not legit. Now, I'm sure that some of my classmates DO have ADD/ADHD and take similar drugs for good reasons - that is totally fine by me. But beyond that, I am just astonished. What is this? Professional baseball??

Then it got us wondering (me and the other 4 gunners who were shocked by this revelation) who exactly is taking these drugs? I mean, we pretty much know who is at the top of the class. So it must be some of them, right? Because how dumb would it be to take drugs if they didn't put you at the top! Well, I mean it's dumb anyway, but there are levels of dumbness. Then we find out that 1 of the side effects is weight that's my alibi!! Haha. But that meant we started thinking about who has lost a lot of weight in the last 3 years. There is one girl that I know was on ADHD meds & lost weight, but I presumed she was taking them because she has ADHD & her Doctor gave them to her. Maybe not! You just can't be sure of anything anymore....

But, if anyone reading this is in school, whether college or law school or medical school, just know that it's not worth it! No grade is worth the condition of you heart!! You only get one heart! Even as a person who really wanted to be at the top of the class, I would NEVER have used drugs to get there. How can you even be proud of that? I honestly wonder if it's just a way to compensate for all the drinking they do through the semester. Like they have to cram at the end of the semester because they were drunk all the rest of the time, or they use the pills to get over their hangovers more quickly? I don't know. But the answer is to STOP DRINKING!!! Not to add more poison to your life! It's just so ridiculous. I am so totally appalled and just flaming mad! I really wish I knew who was using this drug to study - so I could yell at them.

Man, remember the days when drugs were for fun???

1 comment:

CJ said...

In person...