Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Stupid People Making Too Much Money

The people I work for get paid a lot of money, so it REALLY bothers me when they are morons. Here is the perfect example.

Every week we get a newsletter with articles written by or about people at our firm. This week someone wrote an "article" called "If I were Obama, I would nominate..." in which he suggested who should be nominated to the Supreme Court. I was interested to see who it would be, and, therefore, was disgusted to see his suggestion: Sandra Day O'Connor.

Yes, the best person he could come up with is someone who has ALREADY been nominated, served, and then retired!! He said "there is no rule preventing the nomination of a retired justice." Well, OF COURSE NOT!!!! But the fact that she retired might suggest, to a reasonable person, that she is done with all of that and doesn't want to do it anymore!! Obama would have to be an imbecile to nominate someone who just retired to the same exact job they retired from!!! Good God.

Of course, the idiot who wrote this article is a partner, making ten times more than I do, to write these dumb ass articles. I can't imagine what his legal memoranda look like...if he even writes them!! Grrrrr.


Tiffany said...

HAHA. I would nominate Thurgood Marshall. DUH.

Tiffany said...

OMG, this also solves your problem of what you can do in the 5-6 o'clock hour--work on articles for this newsletter! It doesn't look like the standard is all that high.

CJ said...

Yeah, and you know how I love low standards!!! ;-)