Wednesday, May 13, 2009


So, as Tiffany suggested, I have been thinking about using my spare time to write. In theory, a lawyer who wants a successful career should write some stuff and have it published. I'm not sure WHY this is true, since nobody but other nerdy lawyers read anything that nerdy lawyers write, but - just like having to work until 6 - this is a ridiculous truth that I must just accept. The problem is, WHAT to write about. The legal issues that I care about are all things that will either not improve my career (wrongful convictions or sex-offender registries) or possibly get me fired (raising the amount in controversy for federal diversity jurisdiction). So what to do? I searched through a few local law blogs and a few business law blogs today (for those non-lawyers out there, these are called "blawgs" because lawyers think they are cool and clever like that), searching for legal issues that might interest me. Nada. So, maybe I will just write about myself. At least then I can be on Oprah someday....

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

I think you could write about the stuff that you care about, but the trick is to see if there is a way to win an award of some type in relation to it. Or some other sufficiently high-profile something. That way your overlords might be impressed.

Anywho, if you need additional brainstorming ideas, let me know. That's one upside of never shutting up--at least some of the times, I say something half helpful.