Saturday, June 04, 2005


Okay, so I am on a retreat with my firm right now. So far it has been an interesting experience. The bus ride down sucked. We got there at like 8:30 to leave at 9am. But it was so disorganized we didn't leave until like 9:30. We got on the bus to find that the firm had supplied us with bagels, 2 coolers of beer, 1 cooler of Coke & water, and box lunches (in no cooler whatsoever!). So, we can see what the priority was. So, I decided to take a pill & sleep the for the bus ride. To avoid the drinking & since I wouldn't be eating (Who eats turkey or chicken sandwiches that have been sitting around for 4 hours unrefrigerated?? Apparently my entire summer class! Yuck!!!). Well, I apparently will never hear the end of the "professional napper" comments from the partner on my bus....which is hard to take since I want to come back with "professional alcoholic" comments but I can't. So I have been avoiding him as best I can.

But last night we went to a bar, where unexpectedly an awesome ska band was playing. So that was awesome. I pretty much just closed my eyes and drifted off to my memories of the good ol' days when I would go with my boys to concerts and let it all hang out, ya know? It was really funny to see all the preppies dance to ska music, so I drifted over to the punkers and blended in. I also had 2 ciggarettes, which I really needed to help me relax and feel more comfortable in my surroundings. I still just can't believe that these people drank from 9am to 2am and aren't dead yet. Oh well. Hopefully today will be a bit more mellow. I don't know, I'll just be glad when this 10 week hazing/interview is over!!!


Megan said...


I surfed on over to your site from Tiffany's blog, because she had very kindly left a comment on my own fitness blog, and then I got sucked into reading your whole archive!

Wow. I really like what a meticulous mind you have. It reminded me of a thought I've been having lately, that I wish I had more "rigor" in my life (and no, that's not some sexual joke!). What I mean by that is I think taking on intellectual challenges in some ways can be risky -- to actually examine one's own opinions could be really destabalizing to a person's identity, not to mention force you to engage in a world and a society that may anger or frustrate you. Nevertheless, I think the end result of applying intellectual rigor to oneself and one's society is has got to be satisfying.

I comend you on your willigness to think about all kinds of issues.

Enjoy your retreat!

CJ said...


Thanks for coming over! I did see u on Tiffany's blog too. I worry that your expansive vocabulary may bring out the trailer park trash in me tho!! LOL It's funny because I am so loud & opinionated in real life that this blog is actually quite tame for me...I guess it's just that I truly care very little about what people think. I know a lot of people say that, but few mean it. And I do care to the extent that I want a job & good references, etc. But when it comes to my friends, I tell it like I see it & those that can't take it are quickly weeded out, but those that stay are usually greatful to have one friend who will really tell them when they are wearing an ugly sweater or when they are speaking without thinking. And I take it as well as I give it. But I'm also pretty careful not to talk about things I don't really know about, ya know? I try to get as much info as I can before I start to espouse an opinion. When I was 15, I studied every religion I could, so I could decide if I really could be a part of one. Everything from Christianity to Jainism. And I learned that I didn't completely agree with any of them, so I took parts from a couple and created my own set of beliefs. But now, when people challnege my heethen-istic ways, I can honestly say that it was an informed decision. Well, okay now my comment is its own blog entry!! LOL Well, I hope you come back & read more & Leave more comments!