Tuesday, March 25, 2008

I Found My Planet of Gonzos!!!

If you have seen Muppets from Space - you KNOW what I mean. If not - it is a movie about Gonzo realizing that he has no blood relatives - that he knows nobody that looks like him. Of course, the muppets are his family & he loves them. But he longs to find someone with blue fur, a long, crooked nose and an odd sense of humor. And then, he does. And it makes him feel so happy to know he is not alone in the universe - even if he is the only "weirdo" on this planet.

Well, thanks to an anonymous tip, I have found a whole world of weirdos just like me. I always thought that "asexual" meant a person with no sexual organs, or both kinds of organs, or some other physical deformity. I was wrong. Asexual = anti-sexual = CJ!!! And, thanks to www.apositive.org and the anonymous tip, I now know that I am not alone in the universe. I cannot even tell you how it feels to see people writing about EXACTLY how I feel. I can't take my eyes off these articles and posts. It is just the most wonderful feeling ever.

Sure, it doesn't solve all the problems of attempting to "couple" with a non-weirdo, but if Gonzo can fall in love with Camilla, I think CJ & K will be okay too. Hooray for me. *sigh*

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Welcome to our world! (and thanks for the link)