Monday, March 24, 2008

Twisted Dreams

I got an Easter card from DB today, with a check for 20 bucks in it. Woohoo. The thing that really got to me is what he wrote inside the card: "I always dream of us at Daytona." Now, you all know that I have been VERY good about holding my tongue when it comes to my father. In almost two years I have not responded to a SINGLE thing he has said to me. But this almost pushed me over the edge. So, instead of making contact, I am gonna write an "open letter" to him here. Here it goes:

To: DB

Re: "Dreams of Us"

I received your Easter card and I wanted to tell you that I dream about "us" a lot too, but all my dreams are nightmares. Yeah, you were a good father until I was about 10 years old. We have good memories from the time when I had no mind of my own. But when I think of all the lies you have told me, of the horrible things you have done to my mother, and of all your betrayals, it makes me wish you were dead.

I cashed the check you sent me, even though I make twenty dollars when I sneeze, so I hardly need the money. I just don't want you to have it. Maybe I will give it my mother, or to a charity, or some stranger on the street. Or maybe I will just use it for a nice lunch with one of my friends. No matter what, I'm just glad to still be taking things from you when you are no longer able to take anything from me.

I hope you are sad and lonely in that big house all by yourself. I hope that your days are montonous and your nights are filled with regret. I hope you are jealous of my success and scared of your own future. I hope you won't live much longer, but that it feels like an eternity because of the misery.

So, go on "Dad", keep dreaming your dreams. Remember only the good times and forget all the terrible things you have done. I'll come see you when you're dead - just so I can spit in your coffin. Dream about that.

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