Saturday, March 21, 2009


When I woke up today they were talking about bromances on the CBS morning show. Scratch that, they were arguing. It was 2 guys, a girl and Lisa Bloom (wtf??). Anyway, one of the guys said that the only thing better for a guy then hanging out with his bromance partner is sex. The girl who wasn't Lisa Bloom flipped the f*** out about this. She insisted that men can have as much fun with friends that are girls, or doing non-sexual things with their romantic partners, as they can with their bromance buddies. That girl also said that when women hang out with their girlfriends it is less destructive than men hanging out with their guy friends. She said men encourage each other to do things destructive to their relationship, to get drunk and even to get arrested. Lisa Bloom, who clearly though the other lady was a tad bit nutty, said she is in a long distance relationship and her man has a west-coast g/f named Scott - obvy his bromance - and it doesn't bother her at all.

The argument was kind of interesting because the 4 people involved actually demonstrated how none of them were completely right. They were 4 very different people, demonstrating that people are not the same (duh!). K has bromances, though he would hate it if I called it that! But I don't think any of his friends encourage him to do anything bad. K is his own man, and nobody is gonna talk him into anything he doesn't want to do. Also, I think there are lots of times when he would rather be hanging out with me than with his male friends. Our time is more relaxing, even when he doesn't have sex, he is still just more relaxed with me than with his boys.

I do think that being long-distance helps the whole "I don't mind when you hang out with your boys" thing. Usually when he is hanging out with his boys we are in different states, so it doesn't take away from our time together. And really, I wish K had more good guy friends. I feel like he doesn't have enough people in his life that he can enjoy spending time with, and trust.

I also think that, just like a lot of men can be bad influences, a lot of women can too. There are just as many women who encourage their girlfriends to get drunk or flirt with strange men or do crazy things. It's all about who you are - are you going to have friends like that? And are you going to be subject to their influence?

No matter what, your friendships should not hurt your relationship, and vice versa. If either hurts the other then something is wrong with at least one of them. But the real question is, what was Lisa Bloom doing discussing bromances on the CBS morning show???

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