Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Funny Lawsuits

The following lawsuits were filed in central Florida this week. At least one of them should make you laugh.

1. Negligence action claiming the plaintiff was injured when a horse she was stabling was spooked by wild pigs, causing it to rear and land on the plaintiff. The plaintiff was denied worker's compensation and wages while recuperating. After leaving the defendant's employ, the defendant sold the plaintiff's horse without her consent.

2. Negligence action claiming the plaintiff was struck in the head, shoulders and back when a box of frozen dinners fell on her while an employee of the defendant's was stocking boxes in the frozen food section.

3. Negligence complaint. Defendant hit the plaintiff in the head with a bulk mail carrier.

4. Wrongful arrest complaint. Defendant Rice pulled the plaintiff over for a routine traffic stop and wrongly accused him of chewing crack cocaine, when he was really chewing bubble gum.

5. Negligence complaint. The plaintiff was in a hot tub at the defendant's resort when she became trapped by the hot tub suction drain.

6. Negligence complaint. The automatic doors at the defendant's store opened too quickly and knocked the plaintiff to the ground.

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