Sunday, October 23, 2005


Tiffany started writing a list of 100 things she wants to do before she dies, but she only got to 39. I told her she needed to expand some of them, like "Visit all the continents" she has to break up and list each one, so she can check them off one at a time. Clearly, she won't visit them all at once, and lists need to be "checkable."

So, I thought I would make my own list. I only got to 13, and mine was totally checkable! I guess it's because I'm prett happy right now, and there aren't many things that I want to do that I haven't done yet. And most of the things I want to do are just a matter of time, like graduate from law school, move back to FL, pass the bar, etc. So those things I didn't even put on my list. But, I guess I've been pretty lucky in getting to do the things I've always wanted to do.

Had I made the lsit in high school I would have said things like "work at Disney World" or "graduate from college" or "live alone" or "move to FL." I've done all those things! I never really wanted to do bizarre things like work for the peace corps or go on a Safari. Maybe I am too simple minded. I have also considered expanded the definition of "want." Like, I guess it might be cool to go to South Africa or Australia, but I don't put those things on my list because I don't want to be on a plane that long, and I am afraid to eat in foreign countries. So maybe I should "want" to get over those fears and do those things, but they don't really eat at me, so I'm not anxious to do that. I did put 1 foreign country on my list, but I guess I am hoping that I will be rich enough that I can fly in & out in 1 day and not really have to eat there! Although, that would be a LOT of Xanax!!

Well, in case you are curious, here is my list:

1. Go to California
2. Get a PhD in Criminology
3. Go to Pompeii
4. Help my sister thru college
5. Work as a lobbyist
6. Adopt a little girl who feels unwanted
7. Volunteer at a rape, crisis, or suicide hotline
8. Interview a Serial Killer
9. Build up my physical strength
10. Take my mom & sister to Quebec City (I don't consider Canada a foreign country)
11. Buy a brand new car
12. Learn to cook well
13. Be a professor

See, very unimpressive. I feel content, yet lame. Any suggestions??

1 comment:

CJ said...

Hmm. I like the idea of being "neat"! I think that you should blog about all of the "neat" things that you have learned about me on my blog! That would definitely help my already over-inflated ego! Which, I could then, in turn, blog about! This could become a fantastic self-perpetuating task!!