Friday, November 10, 2006

The Blues

I know its a few days late...but DAMN that was some election, wasn't it?? Honestly, I never thought it would happen - House or Senate. But both? I am in total shock. Happy, but shocked. I mean, I know that you would have to be in a coma to think that the Republicans have been doing a good job in DC, but that's what we thought in 2004, and, um, well...thanks again everyone. I am pretty excited about the NY Governor's race too. Spitzer is one of my heroes. Down here, we of course ended up with a republican governor BUT I am encouraged by the fact that during the primaries, this was the republican Jeb Bush didn't support. The only thing that makes me a bit nervous is the fact that this is a test now. The Dems have about twelve to eighteen months to prove what they can do, or else hello President McCain. And nobody wants that. I just really hope they can live up to the expectations. I wish I could drive up there and give them all a good, stern talking-to - just for good measure.

In other news...I hate Katie Couric. I always have. She is so freakin' stupid that sometimes I wonder who's dumber: her or the president - in fact some kind of trivia competition between the two of them would probably be damn entertaining. I was so happy when she left the today show cuz that meant I could start watching it again. I thought, surely, anybody would be better...even Meredith Viera. But today, she was definitely caught on camera zesting the wrong side of an orange. (For those of you thinking "Huh? Oranges don't have sides!" the orange was cut in half.) Guess I got my hopes up for nothing.

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