Wednesday, November 01, 2006

So Much To Say...

Yeah, so I was in NYC last weekend. Lots of fun. Saw my sis, Sever & Sally. Good times. As always tho, I wish I could have stayed longer...I miss them all very much!

Also, I found out more about the whole creepy dead baby scenario. Apparently they were at a Catholic Hospital, and when my mom went to the wake, she realized that they were pushing a Catholic agenda. There was a priest there telling everyone "this baby was alive for nine months" and he told my cousin not to call him an angel, call him "St James"! WTF??? A Saint??? Poor Father Baker has been sitting in that damn moseleum, trying not to decompose, waiting to become a Saint, and now this Priest tells us all he had to do was never be born??? Good grief. So yeah, that's what that was all about. They were just doing their best to convince everyone involved that life begins at conception. Fucking sick.

Georgia Bar results came out and a bunch of people from my school failed...luckily none of my friends tho, they all passed! But the gossip is damn good. Some real cocky bastards failed. That makes me smirk just a little bit. ;-)

Let's see...what else? I dunno. I feel like I have tons to talk about, but I am so sleepy!! This weekend I am going to see if the manatees are here. Then I may go to the outlets. I plan to enjoy myself and relax a bit...because its been a crazy month!!! I need some rest. So, I will go do that now...hope everyone is doing well. Goodnight.

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