Monday, April 16, 2007

I Actually Left The House

So, I went to a party this weekend. And yes, I did stay out past 10pm. And yes, that did give my mother a heart attack. And yes, I know I am 27 years old. the party was a good time. Lots of great people, lots of laughing, and lots of good food. But I did make one strange observation. There were a lot of hetero couples at this party. And I noticed that in several of those couples it seems that the guy is way more into the relationship than the girl. Well, maybe "way more" is a bit strong, but still. I thought this was strange, because I would expect the reverse of that. Maybe we need a book called "She's just not that into you." Hm? Altho, I guess its not a lack of the girl being "into" the guy...just a lack of being "into" the relationships. Like, they just aren't all that interested in being girlfriends. I know that feeling quite well. I wonder if its because, at this particular party, all of the girls were "career gals" - who have put a lot of effort into learning how to take care of themselves. I think that when women do that, it pushes them away from lives that involve relationships. While men expect to have wives and families no matter how much they dedicate to their career. Men simply don't feel like its a choice the way women do. And, in that same vein, women feel like becoming a girlfriend or wife is a liability, like it makes them weaker or means they have to give things up. I admit that, even tho K is very supportive and encouraging, and always says he doesn't want me to give up any career opportunities, I do worry about that. I still feel like this relationship weakens me somehow. But seeing these guys, who are great guys, in these unequal relationships, made me sad. I don't want girls doing that to my friends. And I don't want to be doing that to K. But I guess it's just a sign of the times, and I guess that maybe the guys understand that too, and are willing to deal with that in exchange for having a woman with half a brain. I dunno, just some thoughts.


Mr. Parson said...

I have noticed this too, one more F'n thing to worry about in my incessant hunt for companionship...I'm really thinking about this mail order bride thing...

Anonymous said...

I'm not really sure what you mean when you're talking about the girls not being as into the relationship as the guys--that they're not as dependent? Attentive? Anyway, I think that it is harder to have a traditional relationship if you're a career girl--but not necessarily relationships as a whole. I was going to write something about R and I, but then I couldn't wrap my head around being a career gal so maybe my experience is irrelevant.

While I want to do well in whatever job I end up in, I know that I am prouder of the fact that next month I'm going on a bike camping trip with my Dad than that I am graduating from two well-respected graduate programs. That will probably carry over into my work--I'll be prouder of learning to play tennis than working on whatever project I have at work. Unless I'm something amazing at work, like Baby Panda Hugger.

Anonymous said...

I had a chat with a friend of mine about this very topic the other day. We agreed that sadly, it appears that men are indeed going for the women with no brain, but instead look pretty on their arm, and is someone that "needs to be taken care of". I'm not entirely sure if this is because us "career gals" are intimidating for them, seeing as we are highly independent and "don't need them" or what. With that being said, does that mean we feel the need to settle? And that's why you observed the guys being more into it than the women.