Thursday, June 08, 2006

On The Mend

Okay, well I have been sick for like 2 weeks now! It sucks! I have an ear infection that shocked my Dr...I'm used to that tho! But, the real life consequences are that I can't hear out of my left ear, and I pretty much have no voice whatsoever! Plus, I've just been so exhausted, which is making this whole "studying for the bar" thing even harder!

But, things are getting a little better. K and my sister say that I sound better today, so I believe them. My energy is a bit better too. I think I'm gonna try to work out tomorrow. I haven't worked out in FOREVER! And I dont want to get all fat before I go up to Charlotte (I'm going July 1-5).

So, let's see...what is up in the world? Not too much as far as I know, although I have been a bit out of touch lately. I have been watching Craig Ferguson a lot lately...he is damn funny! I'm glad he keeps my company while I am hacking up a lung all night!

So, anyway....let me know what's going on in the world!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, you sounded terrible! Make some tea, eat some chocolate and I hope you feel better soon.

I am glad I talked to you yesterday! You know in those video games where they have the "life" meters, and when the character runs over a heart or something it fills up their life meter and recharges them? That's how I felt! (Soooo dorky.) I hope I could recharge your life meter too. :D