Monday, May 30, 2005

Poor Little Piggies.....

Today was confusing for cops in was raining, but it was a holiday. Holiday means pull lots of people over. But pulling people over in the rain means I will get wet! What to do? Must stay dry... Must ruin holiday weekend for many people... Brain in overload!

And all this after the stunning triumph of Atlanta police over an unarmed crazy dude from Florida climbed a crane in Buckhead and threatened to kill himself! Yes, the police were amazing. It only took them 3 days to shoot him with a taser. That was after he refused their many offers of food & water! Apparently, the goal of the Atlanta PD was to ruin as many rush hours as possible, bringing the danger caused by the crane guy (affectionately known as "sugarfoot") to its absolute maximum capacity. That is why they tactfully taser-ed him down at 4:30am on Saturday. Ya know, after about 6 extraordinarily chaotic rush hours! The worst part being that, the reason there was a crane to begin with is that there is construction, which was already impeading traffic, so the crane guy was just added fun.

I think that the GA criminal justice system may be trying to break some kind of record. In the past two years we have had multiple instances of the wrong person being released from custody by the DOC, the whole Brian Nichols fiasco (shooting up the courthouse), at least 4 people threatening to jump to their deaths on the downtown connector during rush hour, and now the crane guy. Maybe they are trying to compile a blooper reel that they can sell to raise money & buy the Lithonia cop cars out of hock. Sounds like a plan to me!

1 comment:

Mr. Parson said...

I'm not a legal type and don't pretend to know, but if someone wants to kill themselves, shouldn't we just let them do it and then get the fire department to hose off what's left? Never understood that part.