Monday, December 03, 2007

Let's Change the Subject

Okay, I know. Last entry was pretty heavy. I needed to get some stuff out there. Yesterday, I talked to my BFF for like 4 hours. She said that K is an idiot & needs some guidance. She also told me to try to be a little less extreme when I argue with him (apparently, I should not use words like "assault" and "whore" quite so much). As usual, she is probably right & definitely made me feel better. So, for now, I will move on. what should I talk about today? How about stupid people? Always plenty of them. Well, maybe these are more like moderately intelligent people doing annoying/stupid things.

First, is my friend A. She has a master's degree, so she's no moron. But sometimes, she makes me want to bop her on the head with considerable force! A called me this weekend. We were both doing some Xmas shopping (mine is all done except for office gifts! Woohoo!). A is looking for a gift for her mother-in-law, who has requested a red cashmere sweater. Now, I must say, that this request is a BIT extravagant. A and her husband are not rich, and they just bought a new house. So A is looking for a deal on said sweater. So, I go home & look online. I find EXACTLY what mother-in-law wants at Macy's, on sale for 80 bucks! I think "Whoa! Good deal!" My mom agrees. So I email it to A, who says "Thanks, but I think that is more than we want to spend on her. But now I know where to look for clearance!" Huh? Does A really think she is gonna find anything close to cashmere for much less than 80 bucks?? And, it is her husband's mother for christ's sake! I know they aren't loaded, but you think for his MOTHER he could handle around 100 bucks (especially soince she is his only parent). Instead, he wants his wife to bargain hunt like a madwoman for the next month & find a cheap cashmere cheap? I have no idea. But all the time, gas & stress spent on said bargain hunting is probably not worth it in the long run. But whatever....none of my business. Maybe I am being too good of a daughter tho, I am spending at least $200 on my mommy!

Next is my co-worker, E. We all know this guy is a moron....despite his master's degree AND law degree. So, stories of his stupidity are no surprise. One thing that annoys the hell out of me is trying to arrange time off with him. In this office, the philosophy is that we take turns. Last year I took off for Thanksgiving & Xmas. This year I took off New Year's (meaning the days around those holidays, since we are closed for the ACTUAL holidays). I have established these dates with him about 40 times in the last 6 months, because he keeps asking me. Today, he asked me AGAIN, what my plans were. We had this SAME conversation friday.

E: "So what are your plans for Xmas week?"
Me: "I am off the 27th thru the 1st."
E: "Yeah, but why again?"
Me: "Because you were off those days last year."
E: "No, I mean what are u doing?"
Me: "K and I have a wedding in PA."
E: "On Saturday tho, right?"
Me: "Yes, the 29th."
E: "But you are off on the 1st too?"
Me: "Yes."
E. "Oh, because I kinda wanted to go to that football game."
Me: "Well, we are closed on the 1st, so I guess you can do that."
E: "Really? We are closed on the 1st? Well, good, then you don't have to come back early."
Me: "Right."

WTF????? You are 40 years old! You don't know that Jan 1st is a holiday???? And on what planet would I EVER change my PLANE tickets so you can go to a football game????? Did they slip LSD in your smoothie today??? Good lord. The worst part: we will have this conversation again in 2-3 days.


Tiffany said...

We have half of our shopping done for this year for the kids and extended family--now just parents, grandparents, and brothers. We spend about $10-25 on each of our parents for Christmas most years, so they definitely aren't getting cashmere. They can buy their own cashmere!

Hey, they should be lucky they get gifts! Half the time, Reed and I don't even give each other Christmas presents!

CJ said...

LOL I guess I am too good of a daughter! I felt bad for not buying my mom a computer! But $500 is a bit much for me this year.

K and I aren't exchanging presents either - it just seems silly when we buy each other stuff whenever. Plus, with most of my friends I have the "birthday only" philosophy when it comes to gifts (as u know!), so I don't spend that much this time of year.

Anonymous said...

Yeah ... I spent $30 on my mom on a DVD that is the sequel to the DVD she requested last Xmas. I'm poor. :) If I hadn't had some nice photography jobs, gotten hired as a learn to skate coach and been forced to work 6 days a week at work (for OT), I'd be giving her a hug, LOL!