Saturday, December 15, 2007

Talk to the Hand, Cuz the Face Hurts

My ear hurts. I thought I had an ear infection, but I don't. It's just my TMJ acting up BAD. This morning it hurt to spit while brushing my teeth. I even took Vicodin last night. Didn't do a thing. I got a massage this morning and she did this cranial decompression thing. That helped a LOT, but still, it hurts to yawn & chew. Ugh.

My mom ordered me to stay off the phone today & rest, but that only worked until about 6pm. I know this means I will probably have to get some sort of treatment I don't want. Like a night guard or surgery. One of my friends had surgery for her TMJ last year and she had to have her jaw wired shut for weeks. YUCK! Altho, it may be a good way to lose some weight! I will probably have to go see a Maxofacial Surgeon after the holidays. Woo hoo! Oh well...I am going back to sleep now.

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