Thursday, June 12, 2008

Grumpy McAttitude

On Monday, the last day my mom & sister were here, K was in a VERY grumpy mood. He had "that voice" and was being all short with me, so I was like "go be grumpy, call me later." The grumpy mood lasted through Tuesday, and I found out Monday afternoon what it was about (his mother - of course). So by Tuesday night I said "why don't you go pout for a few days and call me when you are better." Twenty minutes later the mood was gone. This morning we are 100% back to normal. Good.

But last night my mom was asking me how I can just disregard his attitude like that - why doesn't it ruin my day? Especially if he doesn't tell me why he is grumpy - don't I worry that it's me? That he's mad at me? And I said "Nope." She was amazed. I said when I was 17 I would have worried, but now, I really don't give a fuck. The probability that his bad mood is about me and I don't know it is about 1 in a million. And if it is about me, so what? He'll get over it, or he won't. Not much I can do about it. If he wants to discuss it, he will. If not, he's a grown up, that's his deal. This amazes my mother, she says "You have become so patient and mature. I guess I never grew up like that." True. She didn't.

And this brings me to my next story....for those of you that don't know, my judge gets caricatures done of all of his clerks and hangs them on the wall in chambers. Well, mine was unveiled this past sunday. I feared I would be all nose, hoped I would be all boobs, but ended up being all smile. Everyone said it was "perfect" because I am always smiling and laughing. And I thought "Hm. That's funny, because growing up I was known for being depressed and suicidal and writing poetry." I think I like my new persona better. ;-)

So, I guess my mom is right. I have grown up, and become a happier, more patient and more relaxed person. Can you imagine what a dark anxious bitch I used to be???? LOL

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