Friday, March 30, 2007


I've joined BB Online, so I've been watching a lot of movies, and so far they have all been really good. But my favorite find so far is Kiss, Kiss, Bang, Bang. I loved that movie. Dark comedy, but very funny. Val Kilmer as a gay PI is fab. And Robert Downey Jr. is great as well. I think I might buy it. This weekend I have "A History of Violence" - which my mom says was good but my friend R hated. I was torn about ordering it, but R and I often disagree on movies, so I figured I'd try it. I also have "The 25th Hour" starring Ed Norton. I love him. Don't know much about the movie, but I like all the movies I've ever seen him in & this plot looks interesting, so I'm gonna try it. Honestly, this BB Online thing is a damn good deal, altho I may not have time to watch this many movies once the fall comes back. Also, I should try to get out more. But so far, I think its worth the money. I took the $14.99/month plan.

Anyway, life has been rough this week, but I have decided to keep that to myself for now. Just b/w me and my journal and one very unfortunate co-worker of mine who was in the wrong place at the wrong time & got vented to. So, that's why I haven't written all week, and why this entry is so superficial. I will try to be more interesting in the future.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ooh, I liked A history of violence! It was based on a graphic novel, so that is what gives it some of its feel. I hope next week is better!