Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Happy Pi Day!!!

Yep, it's Pi Day! If you don't get it, go ask a math nerd!

I had the best birthday ever yesterday!! Dinner was great! I hope everyone else had a great time too! And I got fantabulous presents from so many awesome people! It didn't rain, and I finished the day off with a Salem Slim Light. Just a really great day!

Today, I am exhausted. So, I will not attempt to write anything profound, or even entertaining. Maybe tomorrow. As my sister says, I'm almost 30 now, I deserve a nap!


Mr. Parson said...

There's only 10 kind of people in the world, those that understand binary and those that don't.
Take that Pi girl! :-P

Anonymous said...

i remember Pi day from Casey!!

Glad to hear you had a great birthday!!