Wednesday, March 01, 2006

I'm not an addict. Maybe that's a lie

Everybody has a vice. As for me, I don't drink; don't have sex; don't eat fast food; don't smoke (well, there are rare exceptions to that one!); rarely do I even have caffiene. So what's my vice?

Yep. You guessed it. Cough Drops.

You may be thinking WTF????

Well, it's true. I started off being addicted to the hard stuff: Robitussin Honey Drops. These things are heavy duty. I was up to like 5 or 6 a day. I was stoppin' at the corner drugstore a couple times a week! You'd see me there, late at night, in my PJs, diggin' for change, lookin' for my next fix.

So, I knew I needed to tone it down. I dropped down to Luden's. A bit milder, and they last a bit longer. I got down to like 3 or 4 a day.

But I never realize the dept of my addiction until tonight. I ran out of cough drops. I found myself rummaging through drawers, backpacks, and purses like Helen Hunt in Pay It Forward looking for booze. Then, I reached the ultimate low. I remembered that yesterday I accidentally threw out a perfectly good, fully wrapped cough drop. I had grabbed a handful of wrappers to throw out & and last minute realized my dreadful mistake! And, for a split second tonight, I thought about going in after it. But luckily, just before I pulled a George Costanza, I found it! A left over Robitussin Honey Drop! Damn. It feels good...just like the 1st time.

I think I'm back on the hard stuff. It's all down hill from here. Trust me, there aren't any 12 step programs for this.

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