Thursday, July 20, 2006

The Home Stretch

So, the bar exam is Tuesday, and today is Thursday. It's gettin' pretty close. I'm still not "scared" I guess. I know I should be - I dont know NEAR as much as I should. But my multiple choice scores have been improving, so I'm getting more confident. Mostly though, this is all such crap. These stupid nit-picky little rules drive me nuts! Like, did you know:

1. There is a hearsay exception for notes about family history written in family bibles?? (What about family Qu'rans?)

2. Under common law, burning down a building is NOT arson? (Nope, has to be a "dwelling")

3. It is unconstitutional for Virginia to tax a resident on income earned disproportionately in other states? (Funny, because NY had no problem taking tax money from me when I lived in FL for 3 years!!)

Yeah, so these are just a few of the ridiculous things I have encountered in the last few days. The thing is, that I will NEVER forget these 3 things now...but there are 10 million other obscurities lurking in the wings to trip me up during the actual exam! But, alas, there is nothing I can do about it. So, off to Starbucks I go, to do MORE practice questions!!! Keep your fingers crossed for me!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You're gonna do AWESOME! Good luck babe! <3