Friday, July 21, 2006

Slummin' It

Yesterday Haley Joel Osment was in a car accident. Apparently he's doing fine. He broke a rib & hurt his shoulder when he drove his 1995 Saturn into a mailbox. Yes, that's right. I said his 1995 Saturn!!!!!!!!!

I know he's not a "superstar' but he's been in at least 10 movies including Forrest Gump, The Sixth Sense and Pay It Forward - I would think he could afford something a BIT more stylish??? I mean, I'm unemployed & K's a truck driver and we BOTH have nicer cars than that!!! Good lord. Maybe we should take up a charitable collection for poor little Haley. Maybe we could bump him up to, say, a 1997 Saturn??? Or maybe we could convince Oprah to give him a brand new Pontiac? Clearly, he is in need.


Anonymous said...

he's probably just not materialistic or doesn't think it's really a priority

Anonymous said...

Maybe that was his drunk-driving car? Or maybe his eeeeevil parents stole all his money?