Sunday, December 10, 2006


I just found my favorite postsecret ever: "It's not PMS, I'm just crazy."

Me too.


Anonymous said...

Dude! That is totally what I have been trying to leave on your MySpace!!! Hahahahaha.

Anonymous said...

Ok. So, I know that I must know you and I'll tell you why. I was complaining to my sister about my life and how I couldn't believe I had to have another surgery next week. And she said to me, "remember katie ozog?" "She didn't deserve what happened to her either!" So I googled Katie Ozog and there your blog popped up. So, I think in an attempt to keep my sanity, I will start a blog of my own. I don't know who you are, but thanks.

CJ said...

That is so awesome. I love when people find my page cuz of Katie. If you do start your own blog come back & leave your link here so I can read it too!!!

And good luck with the surgery. I hope everything works out fine. It sounds like you have fabulous support from your sister! Sisters kick ass!