Friday, December 01, 2006

Reviewing the Predictions

Here is my 2006 Astrology Prediction for 2006 from Yahoo:


One of the things that matters most to you is keeping your promises. That will go double in early 2006, as a friend will undoubtedly rely on you for something quite important. You've reassured them for months now that they have nothing to worry about, but as soon as the year begins, you'll have a chance to prove that your word truly is your bond.

Hmmm...I'm not sure if anything like this happened early in the year. I'm always big on keeping my word, but I can't think of anything specific that I did this year. Except maybe that I flew Mike & Rita down to visit in Feb like I promised...but that wasn't such a big deal....

At the same time -- and straight through mid-March -- you'll also find that several high-ranking, influential coworkers and authority figures will be looking to you to follow through on your word. They may even need a bit more of a commitment from you. Not to worry though. The heavens will be more than happy to help you keep on task, and you'll be rewarded for your honesty, integrity and hard work in a very big way. Sit tight, do everything exactly as you know you should and prepare to experience a wonderful feeling: well-earned, justified pride in yourself.

Well, I definitely was quite busy early on with work at my internship and school. I had that appeal that I did at work, which was pretty important. And, I got the best grades I've had since 1st year, so it did pay off!

Obviously, after all that hard work and discipline, you'll be more than ready to have some serious fun -- and the universe has some of that in mind for you too. You'll have all kinds of chances to do some long-distance traveling this year, and if there's any way at all that you can make a reality of one of those trips, don't pass it up. You've probably been itching either to go home for a visit or to return to a place you've always loved. Do it now, and take your favorite travel buddy along. (Just be sure to carry everything you need right on your person, in case of luggage delays or other annoyances.)

Well, this is certainly true! I've done more travelling this year than any other year! Athens, Orlando, Charlotte, Atlanta, Ft. Lauderdale, Tampa, Daytona, NYC, and Buffalo in a few weeks!

If you feel like a relationship is changing -- and not for the worse, so don't worry -- you could well be 100 percent right. Things between you and a certain someone will deepen considerably by the end of the year, if not before. If you don't already have someone in mind, a family member may introduce you to a potential sweetie -- someone they've been telling you is 'just perfect' for you -- around the end of July. You may have to put up with an I-told-you-so after a few weeks, but if things are going along that well, grin and bear it. It will be well worth it when you take a look around you by New Year's and realize that you've got everything you could possibly wish for!

Well, this is definitely true! Except for the family member and July parts. But K and I have definitely only been strengthening our relationship and it's getting better everyday! Plus, he will be coming down here for New Year's so we can start the year off together! So I think I will have everything I want! ;-)

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