Monday, September 17, 2007

Envy? Nah.

So I watched the Emmy's last night and, as usual, my mom and I commented on all the dresses this morning. And I always think how wrong it is. I mean, all of these women are gorgeous - way better looking than I am. So who am I to talk? I could never look that good. Am I just making fun because I'm jealous? But then I think, no. These women are gorgeous and have all the money in the world - they should look perfect! If I had all that money, and all those people helping me, I certainly wouldn't leave the house wearing a swan, or a dress that was the same color as my skin, or anything else tragically heinous. I would at least wear a good color, and no feathers, and it would fit. So, I guess I do feel justified in commenting...especially considering the fabulous dresses I have picked out on my own very limited budget for my highly imperfect body, without any help from professionals.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

No kidding! When you have unlimited funds and resources, you should look perfect. If I could afford the clothes I really wanted, I'd look fabulous too.

(I liked Heidi Klum's dress the best.)