Sunday, September 09, 2007

Will Work For Food

So, as it has begun to appear that my attempts at a 2nd clerkship have failed, I am moving on to the 2nd phase of the job search: Law Firms. As much as it gives me a tummy ache to think about being a "real" lawyer, it's something I have to face. So, I have picked out 9 firms for the 1st round of applications. Five in NC and four in FL. I have sent an email to my former career services staff, asking for advice on the best way to go about this. My resume is already done, so all I really have to do is put together the packets, and I will send them out around October 1st.

My mother is officially having her own private breakdown. She is pretty convinced that I am going to let K ruin my life. I'm not sure what she thinks exactly, but something like me moving to Charlotte and taking care of K and his entire family and losing everything of my own. Nothing I say will convince her that I am not gonna let that happen. If only she knew how insensitive and cruel I really am, I doubt she would worry about this.

Personally, I am worried about moving to NC. Mostly because I don't know if I can be happy there, and once I'm there, I worry I won't be able to come back. I mean, once I leave, will any FL firm ever take me? I don't know. I am extra worried about moving after last weekend. This sounds dumb, but my allergies were SO bad in Buffalo, what if they are just as bad in NC? I haven't spent enough time up there to really know for sure. I was pretty bad in Atlanta, but I think after 3 years I built up more of a tolerance. But still, I remember being pretty miserable the 1st summer there. And I can't take my allergy meds during the day, cuz I get too sleepy.

Luckily, K is very supportive of me staying here if that is what I decide to do. It won't be easy, but it's not a deal-breaker. So, if I get a better job down here than up there, I will stay. But as it stands, the firms up there seem to be paying more. I feel like I need a forensic accountant to tell me, factoring in income tax and cost of living, how the salaries actually compare, ya know? Because it's more expensive to live here, but we have no state income tax. Also, even though houses are less expensive up there, groceries seem to be more expensive. I dunno. I guess I should try to get AN offer, before I worry about accepting or declining them! LOL

1 comment:

Mr. Parson said...

I feel your pain. My future will be decided tomorrow when I hear back from the Baltimore job. Moving sucks and the chance of moving somewhere that you're not entirely sure you want to live is even worse.