Monday, January 14, 2008

Movin' Along

I figured I should put up a new entry so that my boobs are not front & center and you can look at my blog while at work without people thinking it's porn. So...what is new with me???

Well, 1st let's talk about the Am@zing R@ce. This is the first year I am watching AR, and I am in a love-hate relationship with it. Mostly though, I'm hooked. My favorite team from the beginning has been TK & Rachel. My most HATED teams are Ron & Chris (the asian father-daughter team), and Nate & Jen (the crazy bitchy blonde girl and her boyfriend). Unfortunately all 3 of these teams made it to the bottom 4, but luckily, Nate & Jen got kicked off last night. So that means I am at least spared the ridiculous, delusional melo-drama of Jen. Plus, it means that TK & Rachel have a GREAT chance to win next week! Woohoo! Last night was a total nail-biter, and I still have NO idea how my team got to Taiwan so fast. But, they are awesome, so they survived! I just wish that Ron & Chris had been eliminated earlier because they really annoy the shit out of me and I hate that I have had to put up with them all season, but I can handle it for one more episode.

BTW, this article about last night's AR is HILARIOUS and mostly true.

In other news, yesterday I watched the movie "Down In The Valley"...another Ed Norton flick that I got from BB Online. I LOVE LOVE LOVE Ed Norton! Like whoa! And he was very yummy in this movie. The plot was strange but good. I would highly recommend it to anyone who can handle movies that are not quite mainstream.

So that was pretty much my sunday - watchin' TV on my couch! Oh, except that I spent 4 hrs. fighting with K and I made some stuffed porkchops. But nothing too exciting. Just enough to move my boobs down the page.

1 comment:

Mr. Parson said...

I watched down in the valley a few months ago and I thought it was a good movie and the plot was believable. So I give it "2 Orgasmic Thumbs Up!"