Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Sucking Up With Sincerity

Last night I watched the episode of Everybody Loves Raymond where Ray gets assigned to cover the Super Bowl. He has the opportunity to bring someone & chooses one of his guy friends. So, his brother & father both get mad that he didn't invite them. And then, his wife gets mad too. This is one of the very rare times where I side with the husband in this show. It's football! She's not a fan, why would he take her??? Anyway, the episode is very funny but it makes me mad at her.

So, just to see if I am right that inviting his wife is just a ridiculous idea, I called K and said "If you got two free tickets to the super bowl - ya know airfare, the whole deal - who would you take with you?" and he said "You." I was like "Okay, very sweet, now the non-suck-up answer - really this is not a trick question." He said "No, really, I would go with you. I've never been to a pro football game and I'd want to go with someone I could have fun with and laugh with, and I know that you would go and have fun with me even if you don't get it." And the funny thing is, I believe him. I really do think that, as ridiculous as it sounds, he would invite me 1st, and I suppose that is kinda sweet. I said "Well, what if I couldn't go?" Then he said he'd take his brother, who we both know he would NOT have fun with (Pussy-whipped Mormons with Crohn's are rarely any fun at all, much less at a football game). It did kinda make me feel bad, because if I got a free trip to say, the Oscars, I would take my sister. But I guess in the long run he would be grateful for that. And truly, him taking me to the super bowl is me doing him a favor, not the other way around. Still, the sentiment was sweet, so props to K for being a sweetie.


Anonymous said...

i'm positive rog would invite me first! i don't care about the NFL but its the super bowl! come on! free trip! i'm there! i would take him to the oscars also... he is my fave partner in crime!

CJ said...

See, but at least you understand football, and you go to games, and you drink. Me - I do none of those things. I would probably be miserable!!!!

Also, thanks to this comment I had a dream about going to the Oscars with Roger. ;-)