Monday, April 14, 2008

3 Cents

So, this morning I made my usual starbucks run. The guy in front of me in line pays with a gift card and the following conversation b/w him and the cashier ensues:

Guy: Anything left on that card?
Cashier: Actually, you owe 3 cents.
*Guy puts hand in pocket - as if to retrieve the 3 cents*
Guy: Boy, talk about cutting it close.
*Guy walks away - without paying the 3 cents!!!!!*
Me: Did that guy not give you the three cents?
Cashier: It's ok, it's only 3 cents.
Me: Well, keep 3 cents of my change then, so your drawer isn't off.
Cashier: *laughs* Thanks.

Seriously dude???!!!! You can't scrounge up 3 little pennies??? What makes you think that you are entitled to pay LESS than your tab?? And to just walk away like that! What a freakin' douchebag.

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