Wednesday, April 23, 2008

A bit irrational, I know.

Ya know how there are some people that are so far under your skin that EVERY SINGLE thing they do annoys the fuck out of you??? Well, my co-worker Eric is one of those people. And today, he did something, and it annoyed me, and now I will tell you about it.

My boss was coming in late today, and everyone in our office, except for Eric, is completely caught up, so there is NOTHING for us to do. Literally. We don't even have anything to organize. So the "3 girls" in my office (me, AJ and TW) were sitting in TW's office chatting. Eric comes in, and sits down on one of the comfy chairs.

TW: "What are u doing?"
E: "Well, I was gonna take these CLE tapes down to Andy, but right now I am sitting down to tie my shoe. Does anyone know where Andy's office is?"
AJ: "I think by space and facilities."
E: "Huh?"
TW: "On the 2nd floor, with the clerk?"
E: "What?"
TW: "Not the main Clerk's office, but the ACTUAL Clerk. On the 2nd floor."
E: "Huh. I'll just go down to the 2nd floor and ask around."
Me: "There is a map of the building in your desk drawer."
E: "Nah, I'll just ask around. I'm also gonna go to the patio and check out the new grill."
AJ: "You gonna grill something?"
E: "Someday. I want to see if they have tongs & utensils, or if I have to bring them in."
Me: "They have them, they used them a week ago at the Spring Fling - remember?"
E: "Oh well, I may as well stop by & see for sure, see what they look like. Where is the boss anyway?"
Me: "He took the morning off, it's on the calendar."
E: "Oh, okay. Well I have to go to my car too to get the 3rd book for Andy."

Seriously, what a DUMB ASS. First of all, you are the ONLY one with work to do & you are taking an in-house field trip? Second, how hard is it to (a) look at a floor map & find the guy's office or (b) ask him where his office is before you go??? Third, why can't you tie your shoes in your own office instead of in the middle of our conversation?? And finally, seriously, just shut the fuck up!!!!

It took him about 30 minutes to accomplish his little tour of the building. Ironically, the boss got here before he came back, so he had to explain his little field trip to see the tongs. At least there is SOME justice in the world.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And therein lies your answer in why HE is the only one not caught up!