Sunday, April 27, 2008

In Memoriam

We had ten great years together, but sadly, it is time to say goodbye to a dear old friend. We've traveled the east coast together - from New York to Florida to Georgia and back to Florida. We've had dinner together most every night. We've studied together, watched movies together. Through good times and bad you have been there for me. And then, about a year ago, tragedy struck. In a moment of spectacular Polak grace, I tripped and stepped on you. At first, the crack was small. We both shed a few tears, but we kept our heads held high and you fought through the pain. But alas, your injury did not heal. In fact, it worsened. And this weekend, we both had to admit - the time had come to put you to rest. In a few more weeks, you would surely split in two. So, my dear friend, you are gone but not forgotten. And though another may stand in your place, you will never truly be replaced. I will miss you always.

My Lap Desk
August, 1998 to April, 2008

You were always there for me when I needed a hard surface.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOL! Polak grace is exactly how I broke my favorite desk chair ever (standing on it to change a light bulb). It resulted in a similar eulogy. :*(

RIP faithful lap desk and chair.