Friday, October 12, 2007


Applications sent: 15
"No openings" responses: 4
Interviews: 1
Offers: 0

Grr. I know, I know, I have lots of time. Don't get discouraged. Blah blah blah. But seriously, I am getting a little nervous, ya know? I mean, if one of these 11 remaining firms doesn't make me an offer, I really don't have very many "back up" firms to go to. Only like 2 or 3. Am I gonna end up working in the public defender's office? Don't get me wrong, I could do that. And I wouldn't HATE it. But it's not the kind of paycheck I was hoping for ya know? Ugh. Color me distressed.


Tiffany said...

11 is a lot of opportunities! I'm sure that something will come up that will be a good fit for you!

I tried to leave you a comment the other day about your interview! That firm better not make it onto your backup list--you'd be better off opening your own firm doing high stakes divorce. Less stressful and ridiculous. I'm really surprised that they have anyone working for them at all.

Mr. Parson said...

A few months ago I was all sorts of nervous too. I have a good feeling and I'm sending some spirit fingers your way to wish you luck!

TheRealDookie said...

All it takes is one! Also, you sent out really early. Some firms might not know their hiring needs yet. I have no doubt that you won't have a problem getting a j-o-b.