Friday, June 22, 2007


So, things were better today. I took a xanax last night at 6:15 and slept well from about 9pm to 7am. I started my day with some 'bucks, which was probably a bad idea because I didn't really need the caffeine, but oh well. My judge was out today, but called at 10 to see if anything was going on. He said "What is your plan for the day?" and I said "Hold down my chair until 5, then go home, pack & go to bed." He said "Take the afternoon off." So I did! Yay! I ran all my errands, did some laundry, ate some chipotle, and finished packing. Now I am drinking some green tea and chillaxin. It's a good time. Except that there is NOTHING on TV. It is really atrocious. But, tomorrow I will be in the NYC with my baby sister and I am so excited! So, I think I will pop in a Veronica Mars DVD and relax til I fall asleep. I have to get up at 4am! So, probably no blogging until Wednesday when I get back. Have a good weekend everyone!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hold down my chair until 5, LOL! What a cool boss. :D