Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Working It Out

First of all, yes, I am feeling better. Thanks for asking!

Last night K and I had a little fight. About his family. He called me "insensitive and cruel", I kind of like that! LOL Anyway...it got me venting to a friend and I realized I think I know how to solve almost all of our problems. We simply can't live together.

I mean, really, if I keep my own place - even if I move to Charlotte - I keep my privacy, my security, my own bed, my own money, and I rarely have to deal with his family. K says we can't afford a separate place for his mom, but that is ridiculous since we can afford separate places for ourselves. But this way, I don't need him to agree. He keeps his house for his mom, and I get my own place in Charlotte. He can visit me, even stay over, when he is in town. But I never have to deal with his family without him. I really think this is the best solution.

Maybe one day he will move in with me, but it really doesn't matter. He's never in town anyway. So, I am going to Charlotte this weekend and I think I will tell him this. I know it will upset him a bit, but hopefully he will be able to see that it just makes sense. If not, well, there is always the single life!

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