Friday, May 23, 2008

Let's Do Some Math...

This morning, at 6:20am, a local radio station gave out 8 gallons of free gas to the 1st 105 people to show up at a particular gas station. Gas in Orlando is about $3.75/gallon right now, so that works out to around 28 dollars worth of gas. People started lining up at 11:30 last night for this free gas. That means they waited for 7 hours to get 28 bucks!!! That's $4/hr. Well below minimum wage.

Why would people do that??? I mean, sit in a gas station parking lot for $4/hr??? Would they take a job that paid like that??? It's like the crazy people who camped out at Ikea. I just don't understand it.

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

And many of those people would probably say that public transit is too inconvenient.