Monday, May 12, 2008

So Much To Say

I have so much to write about!! I may do more than one entry today, especially since I am so NOT swamped at work right now! Ugh. But, I will start with a wrap up of K's visit.

Well, K has been here for TEN WHOLE DAYS!!!!! Good lord! I think he will be leaving today, but obviously I have thought that about 4 times this week, so I am not sure of anything.

Honestly, it has been a really good visit. On Thursday we started to get a little sick of each other, but by Saturday we were over it. We had one major fight on Sunday at like 1am, but that was totally my fault & we are both over it now. Other than that we had a lot of fun.

So, here is the funny/cute highlight of the week:

Okay, the background of this is that we threw out my old couch & recliner on Thursday night. So, there was nothing to sit on in my living room unless we used the dining room chairs, NOT very comfortable for TV watching. So, instead, we moved the twin bed from the guest room into the living room. MUCH better.

On Friday night the dealership called to say K's truck was finished, so we thought he'd be leaving Saturday. Friday night I went to bed before K, fell asleep, and a few hours later he got in the bed. Within an hour he is snoring like a freight train. So I get up & go sleep on the bed in the living room. Even with my earplugs, I could still hear a low rumble, but it wasn't too loud to keep me up. So, I fell asleep. Then, all of a sudden, his snoring gets SOOOOOOOOOOOOO loud! Wakes me up! It's about 8am. My first thought is "Holy Shit. We have to break up. No apartment is big enough for the 2 of us!" So I laid there for a bit pondering how he could be so much louder and thought "Hmm. Maybe he got up to pee and left the bedroom door open." So, I get up with the intention of checking the bedroom door. As I stand up I see K, SLEEPING ON THE FLOOR IN THE LIVING ROOM!!!!!! He is laying on one blanket, covered with another, and using his arm as a pillow.

So I walk over to him & nudge him with my foot.

K: Hey baby.
Me: What are u doing?
K: Sleeping on the floor.
Me: I see that. WHY are you sleeping on the floor???
K: It's my last night. I wanted to lay with you.
Me: But you brought the snore with you!!!!
K: Oh, I wasn't supposed to snore out here.
Me: DUH!!!
K: I'm sorry.
Me: It's okay baby. Let's go lay in the big bed.

So we did. I said "I love you, weirdo." and he said "You're the weirdo. Who stands over someone when they're sleeping??" Good grief.

When my mom heard this story she said "Awwww!!! He's like a puppy following his owner!" LOL

So that is the top story of the week. My new couch will be here Thursday. K should be back on the road this afternoon. It's all very bittersweet.

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