Monday, January 02, 2006


I had an extremely emotional day today, and it has left me feeling quite jittery. I went to lunch with my best friend R and her b/f HM. HM and I were friends long before he started dating R, so we know each other very well and I care about him a lot. He's been going thru some rough stuff lately and today, finally, he decided to let me try & help him thru it all. I was so relieved because I had been planning on writing all I wanted to say in a note and giving it to him before I leave to go back home...this in-person conversation was much better. It breaks my heart to see him like this, mostly because I know it won't get better right away. Also because he used to be one of those people that I relied on when I was going thru bad times, so I am used tp seeing him as strong and's hard to have the tables turned. But, at least I got to tell him some things I think he needed to hear. I think it made all 3 of us feel better. In fact, HM said that I should have my own TV show...I whole-heartedly agree. What this world absolutely needs is more exposure to me! I hear Oprah is retiring soon...hmmmm...who knows?? It's funny tho, because most of the advice I gave him is stuff that I learned from watching Dr Phil on Oprah...altho today I took all the credit! Sorry Doc, but once you let your son hook-up with that model chick, all bets were off!

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