Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Racist Delusions

Okay so I'm not going to give details on this because I don't want a rampant stream of psychos being directed to my all are quite enough for me! But I was doing this google thing where you search for "(your name) was killed by" and I searched for my friend Nicole's name, this was the top result I got:

On the O. J. Simpson murder trial: : "Why was O.J. framed? It now seems obvious that O.J. Simpson's former wife, Nicole, was killed by Kosher butchers under rabbinical supervision making the traditional cut to the throat and chest so that they could reach in, grab her heart, and hand pump the blood out of her body….O.J. had served the international Jew conspiracy in a most powerful way, suggesting by phony example that racially mixed marriage and mongrelization could be a glamorous lifestyle for the elite….Could the Jews really have set the whole thing up, sacrificed one of their own Isaacs, framed their own boy O.J., and then sent their best shysters in to defend him? Why not? It sounds so Jewish."

At first I thought it must be a joke because it was so bizarre, so I clicked on the link. But it appears to be the actual ramblings of the leader of some psycho racist group who hates pretty much everyone on the planet except themselves. And I just have to say: WTF?????? It's obvious that Nicole was killed by Kosher Butchers???? Right! That's exactly what I was thinking! No wonder OJ went to South Florida to find the real killers! I mean we all know how innately violent those Kosher butchers are. Seriously folks, how do these people come up with these things? I can picture this group of bald white men sitting in a basement, smoking cigars, surrounded by fake wood paneling, throwing out bizarre conspiarcy theories, saying things like "Naw man, that's just not crazy enough! Think crazier! And pass the beer nuts!" Wow. I am just so completely blown away right now....I am speechless! Except of course for the endless rantings that are now playing out in my head!



CJ said...

I have a think tank?? I kinda like the sound of that! LOL

Anonymous said...

Girl, I am laughing my ass off right now. You come up with some of the most bizzare stuff. Wish I had time to find this stuff. Incidently, I live in south FL and tend to be very wary of those Kosher butchers. Have you noticed the slaughterhouse look in their eyes?

Anonymous said...

"But I was doing this google thing where you search for "(your name) was killed by" "

Girl, you're DARK. :::grins:::