Saturday, January 14, 2006

Poor Rachel Green??

Yesterday YellowPeril wrote about Jennifer Aniston being depressed that Brad & Angelina are expecting their very own demon spawn. But I have to say, I hope she's not.

Obviously, I know very little about these 3 people, only what I see on TV, but from what I see I am damn proud of Jen. It appears to me that Brad wanted kids and Jen didn't. And I totally admire them for realizing that this meant that their marriage wasn't going to work out. I'm poud of Jen for not caving and having a baby that she didn't really want...most women are not that strong.

It's obvious that Brad was involved w/ Angelina before the divorce became public, but I doubt we'll ever know if he actually "cheated." (i.e. Maybe Jen was in the loop before we were, some marriages are over before the pen hits that paper ya know? Maybe they were on a break!! LOL) If he didn't cheat, then I am equally proud of him for not pressuring Jen to change her mind or waiting around, but instead going out & looking for someone with the same goals in life that he had. If he did cheat then he is slime and should burn in hell for all eternity with all the other cheaters.

Either way tho, couldn't he have found someone slightly less, well, demon-like? I mean, the girl freaks even me out, and I have been referred to as "Satan" many times in my life. Did we really want her procreating? At least it wasn't with Billy Bob...small miracles I guess.

Anyway, Rock on Rachel Green!! We all still know who the "Good Girl" is!! (Haha! I just can't stop myself!)

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